Volume 1
There are 2 issues and 19 articles in this volume.
Madeira, C. (2023). The evolution of macroprudential policy use in Chile, Latin America and the OECD. Journal of Banking Regulation, 24, 357-380. Author Files (Stata)
Madeira, C. (2022). The double impact of deep social unrest and a pandemic: Evidence from Chile. Canadian Journal of Economics, 55, 135-171. Author Data (Stata)
Madeira, C. (2022). Partial identification of non-linear peer effects models with missing data. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 158, 1-18. Author Files (Stata)
Matsuoka, H. (2022). Debt Intolerance: Threshold level and composition. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 84, 894-932. Author Codes (Matlab)
Madeira, C and Margaretic, P. (2022). The impact of financial literacy on the quality of self-reported financial information. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 34. Author Codes and Data (Stata)
Madeira, C. (2022). The double impact of deep social unrest and a pandemic: Evidence from Chile. Canadian Journal of Economics, 55, 135-171. Replicaton Files (Stata)
Toda, A. (2020). Data‑based Automatic Discretization of Nonparametric Distributions. Computational Economics, 57, 1217–1235. Author Appendix file (Matlab)
Karul, C and Nazlioglu, S. (2017). A panel stationarity test with gradual structural shifts: Reinvestigate the international commodity price. Economic Modelling, 61, 181-192. Authors Code (Gauss)
Banulescu, G, D and Dymitrescu, E, I. (2015). Which Are the SIFIs? A Component Expected Shortfall (CES) Approach to Systemic Risk. Journal of Banking & Finance, 50, 575-588. Author Files (Matlab)
Bart D. Frischknecht, B. D., Eckert, C., Geweke, J. and Louviere, J,J. (2014). A simple method for estimating preference parameters for individuals. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 31, 35-48. Author Files
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